Postpartum Gathering

A monthly gathering of parents like you to nurture your new identity.

Every Third Tuesday at 3:45pm. Scroll down to save your seat!

Red Elm Cafe Tacoma, WA

gather in a safe space where you can share your birth and postpartum stories?

nurture your baby through connection, stress, and sleep?

nurture your changing parent brain?

So that you can show up as the parent you want to be?

Are you ready to…

But right now that feels far from the truth.

Right now you don’t have a safe space.

You are wondering what to do with your growing baby.

You feel like your friends and family don’t get your parenting choices.

You have been struggling to get to know this new person you have become.

But where do you even start to make it happen?

Introducing Wild Child Sleep’s Postpartum Gathering, a monthly gathering of parents like you to build community, engage in nurtured caregiving, and learn to care for yourself.

Save your seat below! The third Tuesday at 3:45pm. I’ll see you at Red Elm Cafe.

Having worked with hundreds of families and created communities that feel safe and inclusive to all, I know that caregivers need space to feel seen, heard, and connected.

This is for you if you are ready to…

  • share your birth and postpartum stories

  • connect, co-regulate, and support your baby’s sleep

  • nurture the parent you have become

Even if it’s hard to get out of the house.

Even if you are exhausted.

And especially if you have a fussy baby.

This is the place for you.

  • Robin was incredibly supportive, knowledgeable, and helped us come up with plans that still felt like we were doing what was right by our child. We loved working with her!

    Anneka B

  • [Robin] not only helped baby but helped ME.. so much maternal support! I have a life and time to myself again and my mental health is so much better.

    Chelsea G

  • We would recommend Robin to anyone looking for a more holistic approach with their baby's sleep.

    Nicole, Dylan, & Baby Aubree

You don’t have to wait until you have everything together to find your people. We’re here and we’re ready to connect with you, just as you are.

In this gathering, new caregivers with their babies will gather to share experiences, discuss the highs and lows of parenting, learn to care for their babies through connectedness, co-regulation, and supported sleep, and discover how to nurture their changing parent brain. This gathering is ideal for caregivers with babies 0-6 months old.

Each meeting will start with introductions and a chance for caregivers to share anything that is on their heart. I will share tips for soothing, sleep, development, self care, and more. Then, we will have the remainder of the gathering to share experiences, answer questions, and connect.

Investment: Your time and energy to show up and be present.

As a mother to one wild child, I know how exhausting those early can be. I get how hard it is to get out of the house, to put on anything other than pajamas and reenter the real world. But here’s the thing. Your village is out there, ready and waiting to connect with you. If you wait until you have it all together to find your village, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

Who am I?

Hi! I’m Robin Sanderson. I’m a postpartum doula, infant sleep specialist, and mama to one wild child. After 8 years as an educator I found my calling in supporting families through the postpartum period. I took my Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and applied it to my training to become a Maternal Support Practitioner through Bebo Mia.

Now, I work with families all over the South Sound to ease the entry into parenthood. I also work with families all over the world to improve their baby’s sleep with gentle sleep practices.

Upcoming Gatherings

  • Jan 16th

    3:45 pm

    Red Elm Cafe

    Tacoma, WA

  • Feb 20th

    3:45 pm

    Red Elm Cafe

    Tacoma, WA

  • March 19th

    3:45 pm

    Red Elm Cafe

    Tacoma, WA

Save Your Seat!

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