The Peaceful Baby & Toddler Sleep Club

A community of caregivers dedicated to heart led, scientifically supported baby sleep.

Challenge the norms; Embrace our babies. Find peace in naps and nights.

The next cohort kicks off in MAY 2024. Save your seat before it’s full!

If you’re like me, most baby sleep advice just doesn’t sit right with you. It makes you feel guilty. It’s outdated. Simply put, it’s wrong.

Most of the advice you find on the internet and even from well-meaning friends and family  isn’t rooted in science. It’s based on opinion, personal experience, or old research that has since been proven wrong. And, worst of all, it doesn’t feel right to you. Sleep training isn’t for you, but the only options seem to be “cry it out” or “wait it out”. 

There is a third option. You learn the truth about infant sleep, supported by science, improve sleep for the whole family, without sleep training, AND learn how to make changes to continue to support your baby’s sleep in a sustainable way.

Is this the support you’ve been waiting for?

Introducing: The Peaceful Baby & Toddler Sleep Club, a virtual group coaching program to give you the science backed tools you need to make sleep choices that align with your parenting values.

What’s Included

  • (4) 60 minute group zoom calls

    (4) Workbooks brimming with content and action steps

    (4) Weeks of email support

    (4) Week of group chat support

    *Calls will take place on May 8, 15, 22, and 29th at 10am PST.

  • Week 1: Stories about Sleep + Myth versus Reality: explore and challenge your beliefs about infant sleep

    Week 2: Biologically Normal Sleep: form a science backed understanding of what infant sleep really looks like at different ages and stages

    Week 3: Optimize Infant Sleep: make small tweaks to your day and nighttime routine to improve sleep for the whole family

    Week 4: Sleep Associations + Making Changes: learn how to soothe your baby to sleep, and how to make parent-led changes like moving away from rocking to sleep

  • $69

Hi! I’m Robin

Certified Infant Sleep Specialist, Eductor, Doula, and Mama to one wild child.

I take a heart led and science backed approach to support you to reach your baby sleep goals so that you can enjoy peaceful naps and nights.

With a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, I bring a depth of knowledge of infant sleep, child development, attachment theory, and temperament to each family I support.

This is where you need to be if you…

  • want to learn the truth about baby and toddler sleep

  • want to improve sleep with small tweaks

  • want to master or change sleep associations

  • are ready to safely bedshare OR move away from bedsharing…

    … with a community of like-minded caregivers.

This is a safe space to challenge the status quo without guilt or shame.

If you want all of this, but you prefer 1:1 support, check out my sleep support options!

In this sleep club I can help you solve problems or make changes such as…

Frequent waking

Early waking

Split nights AKA middle of the night parties

Bedtime battles

Nap resistance

Move away from rocking, bouncing, or walking to sleep

Move away from bedsharing

Setup safe sleep spaces for all types of sleep arrangements

What parents like you are saying…

  • Robin was a great resource for us and helped increase our confidence with our baby’s sleep. She helped to normalize what normal infant sleep looks like and gave us strategies to use at both nap time and bedtime. We now head into bedtime feeling confident in our ability to support our daughter to sleep instead of anxious for the unpredictability and stress that nighttime used to bring.

    - Nicole, Dylan, and Baby Aubree

  • What [Robin] has to offer is incomparable. My sweet baby Angel is going on 6 months and is a FULL ON barnacle/Velcro baby. She previously could ONLY contact nap, be baby worn, and bedshare at night. On top of this she has an airway blockage and reflux. I was very apprehensive that there was any hope to getting my babe to have independent sleep (and me some peace and sanity!). Robin... worked step by step with us. She not only helped baby but helped ME.. so much maternal support! I tried all the tips and tricks.. yes all of them. However now.... now I have a baby who sleeps independently and comfortably by herself in her bassinet...and even puts herself back asleep!! All WITHOUT having to ST/CIO!!. Forever thankful for our time together. And so, so proud of my babes! I have a life and time to myself again and my mental health is so much better. It takes weeks and it takes work.. but it's all so worth it. Thank-you, Robin!

    - Chelsea G

  • Robin was incredibly supportive, knowledgeable, and helped us come up with plans that still felt like we were doing what was right by our child. We loved working with her!

    - Anneka B

After the holidays, possibly after spending time with family and friends who have filled you with doubts, is the perfect time to reinforce what you know to be true, to reconnect with a supportive community that understands your journey.

Join The Peaceful Baby & Toddler Sleep Club and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share experiences, insights, and encouragement. This is a safe space to validate your instincts, gain confidence, and build lasting connections.

Embrace a community that empowers and uplifts you on your parenting path.

A bit more about me…

When my daughter was born in July of 2021 I discovered the immense lack of support available for new parents. I struggled with postpartum anxiety and did not have family nearby. This was compounded by the isolation of COVID, and my discomfort with sleep training methods. I quickly found Sarah, our patient and calm postpartum doula who always responded to our questions with evidence based information. Sarah helped me find treatment for anxiety and eased the transition into motherhood.

Part of this transition was a fire that began to burn in my soul. A fire to walk with birthing people and their families as they navigate the transition into parenthood. A passion to use my life experience to help others avoid the pain, loneliness, and confusion I experienced.

My skills as a classroom educator transfer well to the work of a doula, including coaching parents, building community with families, active listening, and nurturing individuals’ mental health, and staying up to date on the latest research. This is what brings me here today: Informing and educating about normal infant sleep, feeding, and behavior in order to help desperate and exhausted parents in those early days, weeks, and months. I bring patience, understanding, and a sense of grounding to each family I support.