Wild Child Sleep Support

Finally, enjoy peaceful naps and nights with gentle, science backed sleep support for babies and caregivers

Does this sound like you?

You bounce, rock, or walk your baby to sleep for every nap and bedtime, and you’re over it.

You’ve been bedsharing with your baby and now you’re ready to move on.

Your baby wakes frequently throughout the night and it feels unsustainable.

You’re pregnant and want to create a realistic sleep plan for baby’s arrival.

You’re tired of bedtime battles and nap resistance.

But, you don’t know where to start

Right now you’re stuck between sleep training and “wait it out”.

You are continuing to do what feels unsustainable and you’re becoming resentful.

You have been looking for support, but haven’t found an option that resonates with you.

But where do you even start to make it happen?

Introducing the Wild Child Sleep Support, a neuroscience and attachment based approach to support you to reach your baby sleep goals so that you can enjoy parenthood.

With a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, I bring a depth of knowledge of child development, attachment theory, and temperament to each family I support.

Common problems and changes

I help with…

Changing sleep associations, like rocking, bouncing, or walking to sleep

Frequent waking

Nap resistance

Bedtime battles

Early waking (before 6 am)

Sleep progressions

Moving away from bedsharing

Moving away from contact naps

Night weaning (12+ months only)

Moving baby to a crib or their own room


Starting childcare

This support is for you if you’re ready to make changes or solve sleep issues while still honoring your baby’s needs.

Even if you’ve “failed” at sleep training.

Even if you already deeply nurture your baby.

And especially if you’re exhausted and overwhelmed.

What parents like you are saying

  • Robin was a great resource for us and helped increase our confidence with our baby’s sleep. She helped to normalize what normal infant sleep looks like and gave us strategies to use at both nap time and bedtime. We now head into bedtime feeling confident in our ability to support our daughter to sleep instead of anxious for the unpredictability and stress that nighttime used to bring.

    - Nicole, Dylan, and Baby Aubree

  • What [Robin] has to offer is incomparable. My sweet baby Angel is going on 6 months and is a FULL ON barnacle/Velcro baby. She previously could ONLY contact nap, be baby worn, and bedshare at night. On top of this she has an airway blockage and reflux. I was very apprehensive that there was any hope to getting my babe to have independent sleep (and me some peace and sanity!). Robin... worked step by step with us. She not only helped baby but helped ME.. so much maternal support! I tried all the tips and tricks.. yes all of them. However now.... now I have a baby who sleeps independently and comfortably by herself in her bassinet...and even puts herself back asleep!! All WITHOUT having to ST/CIO!!. Forever thankful for our time together. And so, so proud of my babes! I have a life and time to myself again and my mental health is so much better. It takes weeks and it takes work.. but it's all so worth it. Thank-you, Robin!

    -Chelsie G

  • Robin was incredibly supportive, knowledgeable, and helped us come up with plans that still felt like we were doing what was right by our child. We loved working with her!

    -Anneka B

You can reach your sleep goals while honoring your baby’s needs. If you’re ready to put in the effort to see results, let’s do this.

Support options:

You can improve sleep for the whole family without sleep training.

I’ll work with you to analyze your baby’s sleep and daytime routine, then we’ll work together to create an action plan to meet your sleep goals. Whether you’re hoping to address sleep problems like frequent waking, early waking, bedtime or nap battles, or you’re ready to make a change like shifting away from bedsharing, moving baby to a crib, or moving baby to their own room, we can create a plan that fits your family’s needs. You’ll walk away from our call with a deeper understanding of biologically normal infant sleep, your own baby’s sleep and developmental needs, and a clear four week plan.

And the best part? I’ll be there with you to answer questions and keep you motivated.

You don’t have to “wait it out” to get better sleep. You can make that shift now.

Interested in working together but not sure which offer is right for you? Book a free, no pressure call with me today.

Who am I?

Hello! I’m Robin Sanderson and I am a Postpartum Doula, Infant Sleep Specialist, Educator, and Mama to one Wild Child.

When I had my daughter I knew I didn't want to sleep train but struggled to find alternatives that fit my parenting philosophy. So, I took my 8 years in child development and education to learn everything I could about normal infant sleep and responsive sleep practices. The Infant and Family Sleep Specialist certification I earned through Bebo Mia was an excellent addition to my Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction and Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education. Now, I use my training and skills to support parents like you to make gentle changes, solve problems, and plan for your baby's sleep.